Upcoming Events!
World Mission Weekend

Over the weekend of 31-31st October we are having our joint World Mission Weekend with Cathcart Trinity Church.
Speakers: Rev R Maclean, UFM Area Director, Ben & Liz Griffin, UFM Missionaries
Saturday, 30th October 2021
9-10.30 AM Prayer Breakfast, Cathcart Trinity Church
7.30-9 PM Missionary Meeting, Cathcart Trinity Church
Sunday 31st October 2021
11-12 PM World Mission Service, Cathcart UF and Cathcart Trinity
6.30-7.30 PM World Mission Service Cathcart Trinity
Creation Care Discussions

What is ‘Creation Care’?
We had a 4-week discussion series online through Zoom in Autumn 2021 around ‘Creation Care’ exploring together what the BIble says about caring for our environment and things around it. We are continuing conversations on this topic – please message us if you are interested in joining us!
Christianity Explored on Zoom
Although our Christianity Explored course has come to an end, we are having conversations about running another series. If you would be interested in this or would like to attend one, please do contact us – we would love to hear from you!
Explore the basics of the Christian faith over seven evenings. Feel free to join for part if that is all you are able to attend!