Creation Care

Resources on this page is based on a 4-week discussion series on Creation Care in October 2021.
We have an interest in discovering what our faith in Jesus tells us about caring for creation and how this plays out in our daily lives both as individuals and as church within the wider world. As we continue to explore what to do next, we will update the page!
Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the form here!
Books (non-exhaustive list to cover broad topic and views!)
- A Call to Act (Natalie Williams and Martin Charlesworth, David C. Cook, 2020), “provides practical advice and solutions, … understand what the Bible teaches about those most in need in our society (and around the world), and how the Church can help.”
- John Stott on Creation Care (R. J. (Sam) Berry and Laura Yoder, Ivpbooks, 2021), “brings together all of John Stott’s teachings about the environment for the first time, to show why creation care is an important part of a life of radical discipleship“
- L is for Lifestyle (Ruth Valerio, Ivpbooks, 2019), “In this A-Z, Ruth Valerio highlights the main threats to people and our planet, God’s beloved creation. She shows us how, by making small but significant changes to our lifestyle, we can learn the secret of a life that is both fair and simple.“
- Planetwise – Dare to care for God’s world (Dave Bookless, Ivpbooks, 2008), “God can take your small and insignificant efforts and multiply them in his great plan. Having been asked repeatedly for accessible biblical material on creation care, the author decided to write it himself, thereby plugging a gap in the market. Caring for our planet is integral to our Christian faith, something that will have ramifications for the whole of our lives. Here is a message to honour our Creator. It will free us up, not tie us up in legalistic knots.“
- Time to Act: A Resource Book by the Christians in Extinction Rebellion (Jeremy Williams, SPCK Publishing, 2020), “Written by members and friends of Christian Climate Action, ..sets out the moral and religious case for joining the struggle against climate change. It reflects on the Christian tradition of non-violent direct action, and offers deeply moving testimonies by those engaged such protests today, along with powerful sermons, prayers, liturgies and other spiritual resources.“
Christian Creation Care groups
- A Rocha, Christian organization engaging communities in nature conservation.
- Christian Climate Action – Direct action, public witness for the climate
- Green Christian – Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times
- Operation Noah | A Christian response to climate change, Ecumenical Christian charity, based in the UK, that campaigns exclusively on climate change.
- Tearfund, International Christian relief and development agency.