Sunday, 15th December, 11-12.15pm
Preparing for Christmas @Cathcart UF, 7 Struan Road
Light soup and lunch after in support of Glasgow City Mission
Service in person or on Zoom (contact us for Zoom details).
Saturday, 14th December 4-4.30pm Carols in Berridale Avenue
Friday 20th December 6.15-7.30pm
Carol Singing in Merrylee
Meet at Merrylee Primary School car park at 6.15 or join us as we make our way around Merrylee!
Saturday 21st December, 10.30-11am
Carols in the Garden @Cathcart UF, 7 Struan Road – carols, tea and coffee.
Sunday, 22nd December 6.30-7.30pm
Carols by Candlelight
@Cathcart UF, 7 Struan Road
In person or on Zoom (contact us for Zoom details).
Tuesday, 24th December
2-3pm All-age Service,
2-3pm All-age Service,
@Cathcart Church, 90 Clarkston Road
11.30pm Watchnight Service @Cathcart Church, 90 Clarkston Road
Wednesday, 25th December
11am Christmas Day Service
@Cathcart Church, 90 Clarkston Road